
How To Improve Readability Of A Word Document

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Word processing is a part of daily life. From essays to job resumes, you are constantly using give-and-take processing programs to blazon up of import documents. No matter what it is, you demand to make sure it can be read easily. If your reader thinks the certificate is too difficult to read or sympathize, they may not read it all, which tin can be dissentious. In order to improve the readability of a Word document, it'southward of import to use advisable linguistic communication, organize your Word document well, and design your Discussion certificate well. Having a articulate and piece of cake to read Word document will brand your readers more likely to engage in your content, not simply your formatting.

  1. one

    Write in articulate, simple sentences. Endeavor to stick with one thought in each sentence so you don't confuse the reader. This will make your sentences easy to empathize and follow to the next idea or sentence.[1]

  2. two

    Use one or 2 syllable words. Try to avert besides many three syllable words, since that can be disruptive for the reader and harder to follow. Keep your words as transparent as possible.

    • If you lot are writing a more academic piece, it may be a skillful idea to use longer words; however, go on your words as clear and straight as possible even if they are longer.


  3. 3

    Transition between different parts of your Word document. Transition words like "beginning," "all the same," or "therefore" can tell your reader how parts of the document chronicle to one some other. It can help them move between sentences and between paragraphs more easily.

  4. iv

    Write in the agile vocalisation. In each sentence, make sure your subject is ever doing an action, not having an action done to it. For example, write "Emerge threw the ball," rather than "The ball was thrown by Sally."[2]

  5. 5

    Keep your paragraphs skimmable. Your readers should be able to view the document and understand the point of each paragraph or section immediately. If y'all write in the active voice, this should be piece of cake to do.[3]


  1. 1

    Accept a consistent margin size. The standard margin size is 1" all around. Sometimes, a document may accept larger margins on the sides or top, depending on the header and footer of a document.[4]

  2. 2

    Use white space in the document consciously. Consider using headings, lists, or shorter paragraphs to highlight white space. This helps draw your reader's attention to the things you want them to pay attending to.

  3. 3

    Have left adjusted alignment throughout. Your examination should be justified to the left side of the folio and have a ragged right margin. This is the standard for near documents and helps readers follow your document easily.

    • Centered alignment can sometimes be useful to highlight headings or lists. Think well-nigh the use of white space when deciding to apply centered alignment for parts of your Give-and-take document.
  4. 4

    Consider the several types of spacing. Spacing can be either designed by punctuation, margin size, line, or past paragraph. Each blazon of spacing may exist appropriate for different types of Word documents.[5]

    • Punctuation spacing is when you include 1 or 2 spaces after punctuation. This is non always standard, but can improve readability, particularly in documents with a lot of text.
    • Line spacing is usually just single or double-spaced. Double-spacing is usually required for academic writing, since it makes it easier to insert comments and corrections. However, typical business documents are single-spaced.
    • Paragraph spacing has an empty line between paragraphs to pause up the text. This is near commonly used for concern documents that are single spaced equally a way of transitioning.


  1. 1

    Use advisable font way and size. The standard font size is 12 point. It'southward often difficult to read font much smaller than this, so attempt non to make your font too smaller so your reader cannot read your certificate.[6]

  2. 2

    Use appropriate font fashion. For a formal or concern document, use a common, serious font such as Arial or Times New Roman. When writing to a friend or family member, you tin can use a less serious font, but make sure the end effect is however legible.

  3. 3

    Use black text. Colored text should only be used to highlight words. Don't use neon colors, or multiple colors inside the same word.

  4. iv

    Write numbered lists or bullets to highlight aspects of your Discussion certificate. If order is important, use a numbered list; if it is not, bullets may be the better option. In both cases, there should be a clear logical order to the list, so it does not seem arbitrary to your reader.

  5. 5

    End each list or bullet with a period if it'south a consummate judgement. This volition make sure your reader understands it to exist a complete idea. If it's not a complete sentence, make certain it connects to the previous section or heading clearly.

  6. half dozen

    Capitalize each bulleted or numbered listing. Give-and-take documents will usually do this for yous automatically. Each line or bullet should e'er starting time with a capital letter, even if it is a continuation of a previous section.

  7. 7

    Use parallel structure for your bullets or numbers. Begin each bullet or number with an active verb or consistently utilise an adjective-substantive sequence. If your bullets are numbers are not consistent, information technology will be confusing for your readers.

  8. viii

    Apply headings when appropriate. Headings tin can help distinguish between topics or sections of your Word Document. This can help readers when skimming your document. Additionally, headings can exist a nifty way to introduce bulleted or numbered lists.


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